ABM Partner

Institute of Directors (IoD)

About Institute of Directors (IoD)

Institute of Directors and Association of Business Mentors collaboration

The Association of Business Mentors is delighted to work in collaboration with the Institute of Directors (IoD) to support business owners and leaders through professional business mentoring and development opportunities.  

As part of this collaboration, ABM members have the opportunity to be matched as mentors with members of the IoD seeking professional mentoring support.

What is the Institute of Directors (IoD)?

The Institute of Directors (IoD) is a non-party political organisation, founded in 1903, with approximately 20,000 members. Membership includes directors from right across the business spectrum – from media to manufacturing, professional services to the public and voluntary sectors. Members include CEOs of large corporations as well as entrepreneurial directors of start-up companies.

The IoD was granted a Royal Charter in 1906, instructing it to “represent the interests of members and of the business community to government and in the public arena, and to encourage and foster a climate favourable to entrepreneurial activity and wealth creation.”

The Charter also tasks the Institute with promoting “for the public benefit high levels of skill, knowledge, professional competence and integrity on the part of directors”, which the IoD seeks to achieve through its training courses and publications on corporate governance.

For further information, visit our website: www.iod.com