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Workplace Mentoring Programmes

Tailored professional mentoring programmes for organisations, teams and leadership.

Increase workplace productivity through the power of mentoring  

Is your organisation facing a talent drain due to an ageing workforce? Are your employees disengaged with low morale? Do you struggle to maintain a positive company culture? Launching an effective workplace mentoring programme, facilitated by the Association of Business Mentors (ABM), could be the solution to these issues.

Discover the power of workplace mentoring.

Tailored programmes for your organisation

The ABM's workplace mentoring programmes, led by ABM founder Kerrie Dorman, are tailored to each organisation and focus on working with your internal team to develop mentor and mentee skills, training and support.

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Interactive tailored workshops

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Ongoing programme support

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Online workplace mentoring short course

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Benefits of workplace mentoring

Workplace mentoring offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond individual development, fostering a culture of continuous growth and collaboration within organisations.

Benefits for Mentees & Mentors

For mentees, mentoring provides a structured path to acquiring new skills and competencies, enhancing their confidence and ability to execute tasks effectively. Mentees gain access to the mentor's wealth of experience and knowledge, which can accelerate their career development and help them navigate complex professional landscapes. This relationship can significantly improve emotional intelligence and communication skills, making mentees more effective collaborators and leaders.

Mentors, too, benefit from the mentoring process. By teaching and guiding others, mentors refine their own leadership and interpersonal skills. They gain fresh perspectives and innovative ideas from their mentees, which can inspire new approaches to their own work and drive innovation within the team. Furthermore, mentoring helps mentors stay connected to the experiences and challenges of less experienced employees, fostering empathy and a deeper understanding of the workforce.

For Organisations

Mentoring programmes are instrumental in building a strong, cohesive company culture. They help in the retention of staff by providing employees with a sense of belonging and a clear pathway for professional development. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and reduced turnover rates.

Mentoring helps in onboarding new employees, aiding them in acclimating to their new environment and setting them up for long-term success. Additionally, by encouraging seasoned employees to share their experience and experiences, mentoring programmes decrease the risk of operational gaps once seasoned employees retire.  

Key Statistics

Mentoring re-engages, motivates, and creates a united front where skills can be transferred. It decreases the risks of cultural stagnation, low job satisfaction and a disengaged work environment.

The statistics that prove this:

  • Improve staff retention rates – rates are 20% higher when employees receive mentoring.
  • Increase productivity – companies that implement formal mentoring programmes experience a 72% increase in productivity.
  • Positive cultural change – 100% of Executives cited an increase in job satisfaction.
  • Develop leadership skills – 97% of mentors in the workplace say participation in a programme has helped them to develop their leadership skills.
  • Increase company profits - Companies with mentoring programmes had profits that were 18% better than average.

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ABM Workplace Mentoring Programmes

The ABM offers three distinct workplace mentoring programmes that can be tailored to your organisation's unique requirements.


Half Day

Workplace Mentoring Skills Training

This dynamic half-day training sessions provide mentors as well as mentees with the skillset to maximise the benefits of workplace mentoring. We adopt a tailored approach that can be adapted for various mentoring models and our flexible hosting and timing options allow us to work according to your schedule.

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Ongoing Support


Programme Assistance

We deliver the initial taster session to gather interest from your employees, mentor and mentee training. We also assist in the careful matching process of your mentors and mentees. This monthly support for the duration of your programme, normally 10-12 months, has been proven to maximise effective outcomes through to an efficient wrap up and feedback from the participants.

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Online Course

2 Hours

Online Workplace Mentoring Course for the Programme Facilitator

A two-hour online course with tips, downloads and a checklist for running an effective mentoring programme. Everything you need to design, maintain and measure the impact of your mentoring programme.

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Meet your facilitator

Our workplace mentoring programmes are delivered by ABM founder and experienced business mentor Kerrie Dorman.

Kerrie Dorman

ABM Founder

After running a successful mentoring business and founding the ABM, I now support mentors with practical mentoring skills training to support businesses of all shapes and sizes,  as well as work with HR departments in running highly beneficial mentoring programs guiding both mentors and mentees in larger organisations with structure and motivation.

Contact us about your workplace mentoring programme.

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