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Mentoring Resources

Your Mentoring Business Essentials

Discover a wide variety of digital tools, resources and webinars in this resource area, supporting you on your business mentoring journey.

ABM Research: Download the Member Toolkit

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We are really proud to have the opportunity to shine a light on the impact of paid for professional business mentoring impact on the business community and hope that you will find it helpful in your own marketing and engagement.  

To get involved in sharing our research, please feel free to share the research’s key findings through our member tool kit linked below. The toolkit consists out of a set of six social media post graphics, highlighting our key research findings.

Please tag us on LinkedIN (@association-of-business-mentors) when sharing our research with your network.

Download the Toolkit
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Public Mentoring Resources

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In our ABM Learning & Development Hub, you can find a selection of one-page PDFs explaining the vision of the ABM, the purpose of the ABM membership, a summary professional standards as well as a selection of mentee-facing resources on the impact of business mentoring. You can also discover a range of skill development courses.

As an ABM member, you have the permission to use these resources in your own marketing.

Visit ABM Learning & Development Hub
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Your ABM Membership Documents

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Are you making the most out of your ABM membership? Discover a summary of ABM membership benefits for your specific membership category in the documents linked below. Learn more about upgrading your membership here.

If you have any questions about your membership or how to get more actively involved, please contact the ABM team  at

Full Membership Benefits
Associate Membership Benefits
Help to Grow Membership Benefits
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Are we missing something?

We are continuously developing and adding resources to this section of your ABM members area. However, we would value your feedback and ideas to further improve our digital resource library. Did you find these resources useful? How did you integrate them into your mentoring work? Are there any tools or resources you would like to see in the future?

Please send your thoughts, comments and ideas to the ABM team at