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Words of Wisdom

Identifying your limits and setting boundaries

Hosted by ABM Director Gary King with guest expert  

Kathie Crane

Identifying your limits and setting boundaries

At some time or another we have all been sat in front of a client and had that heart sinking moment when a topic arises outside of our comfort zone or right on the limits of our capabilities.

Perhaps you have done a personal SWOT or even asked a client to do one, but one of the most satisfying ways of spring boarding your business forward is to look at your skills gaps and then address how these are helping or hindering you! and more importantly what you can do about it.

Being comfortable with your own limits also helps you set healthy boundaries personally. This includes your day to day time management and dealing with that client who gets increasingly closer to crossing a boundary, maybe even trampling all over it calling or messaging you day or night and expecting you to respond.

This Words of Wisdom Q & A session will address all the above topics and add some valuable tips and techniques to both your own and your client’s toolkit.

Takeaways include:

Understand how hard is it as a seasoned Business Mentor to admit that you have weaknesses.

How to do a personal SWOT or skills gap help me and how it helps your Mentee.

Where to begin with setting boundaries and what will my client will learn.

The difference between knowledge and skillset.

Why this is important to protect your personal brand

About Kathie Crane

Kathie Crane is a recognized business leader and mentor specializing in the personal and professional growth of the Business owner.

With bases in Gloucester and West Sussex, Kathie is also the owner and Finance Director of Prosperon Networks, a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership & Management, and a Senior practitioner of the EMCC.

With a focus on accountability, healthy constructive challenging skills and taking ownership of self-development. Kathie’s aim is to help businesses grow both organically and strategically using techniques to identify the Company’s purpose, as well as its strengths, weaknesses, and skills gap, so as to maximize output whilst reducing costs.

Kathie also loves sharing her knowledge to those in the early stages of their career path, working with students and apprentices to identify untapped talent and how to integrate into the world of work.

Outside of the business arena, Kathie has an ongoing love of learning new, and sometimes bizarre skills – for instance Blacksmithing or making the perfect Black Forest Gateaux. She has trained as an Opera singer, swum with Stingrays, has a full motorbike license, and spends the rest of her time obsessing over Star Wars!

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