Blog Post

2024 – Creating the centre of excellence for professional business mentoring

Association of Business Mentors (ABM)

Driving professional business mentoring through standards, membership, research and training

As we head into the Christmas holidays it’s a time to step back and reflect on the year, gearing us up for the next 12 months. As the ABM team will often hear me say, let’s talk about the good, the bad and the ugly and that’s what we did with our strategic review earlier this year.  

This year has been one of reflection and new initiatives to support members, making the ABM’s business mentoring standards stronger than ever, and  raising awareness of the benefits of professional business mentoring – importantly paid-for mentoring. We continue to work hard to be the centre of excellence for professional business mentoring – the go to and trusted source for experienced and qualified professional business mentors.  

It was a year where we stopped, listened to members and partners and set out a strategy to build the foundations, ready  to super charge the ABM as we head into 2025.  

Huge thanks must go to all our members. For taking the time to share their views on the future of professional business mentoring, and also for continuing to provide the gold standard in business mentoring for businesses of all shapes and sizes across the UK.  

Membership & Standards – new pathway launched  

The ABM’s business mentoring pathway and standards are stronger than they have ever been following the review.  

In November we launched our new learning and development pathway, supporting mentors from the very early stages of their business mentoring careers through to the most experienced and qualified. This included a revised membership pathway, Affiliate, Member and Fellow, and six ABM core competencies.  

The six core competencies align with the global code of ethics for mentors, coaches and supervisors (which we are one of 12 signatories to). The ABM’s Code of Conduct was also revised, aligning it more closely to the global code.  

Watch out for member training and resources in 2025 to support and develop your mentoring journey further.  

Training – ABM training centre and workplace programmes launched  

Last week we announced a little more about the ABM training centre. The centre sits at the heart of our vision to be the standard bearer for excellence in professional business mentoring. It will provide training which is innovative, modern and dynamic, aligning with modern day business practices. It’s an exciting development for professional business mentoring in the UK and beyond.

As we establish our centre, we thank Agile Group for their work as the ABM’s training provider over the last three years. Agile have been instrumental in the ABM’s development and we wish them the very best for the future.

In September we launched our mentoring and coaching workplace programmes. As professional mentors we know that the skills and experience we have translate into the workplace, bringing huge value to employees and workplace cultures. More to come on those early in 2025.  

Research – paid for professional business mentoring research launched  

Paid for professional business mentoring matters. Last month the ABM launched the first ever independent report on the impact of paid for mentoring. From impacting growth to well-being, the report demonstrates the value that paid professional business mentors bring. Find out more here.

2025 and beyond  

We were delighted in November that the government’s Help to Grow: Management Course programme, supporting small businesses (with mentoring a key part provided by the ABM as one of three partners) will run until at least March 2026. The new government has endorsed the programme, saying how vital mentors are to businesses and we look forward to working closely with them in 2025.

As we head into 2025 we look forward to building on the initiatives launched last year, as well as continuing to build more partnerships with the business community, providing opportunities for ABM mentors.

A final thanks goes to the ABM team – a team that is creative, dynamic, solution driven and resilient. They work hard for the ABM, they work hard for members. With that, they will be taking a well-earned break over the Christmas period and the ABM office will be closed from 5pm Monday 23rd December and will re-open 9am Thursday 2nd January.

Whatever you are doing this Christmas, we wish you a peaceful and restful one. We look forward to seeing you in the new year.  
Georgina Waite

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